Friday, 31 March 2023

NEA for submission June 2023

 Dear Moderator

All the students blog hyperlinks are below. There are 3 candidates for The Vale Academy 44305 and 1 candidate for Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. These two centres combine to create Brigg Sixth Form.

The student blogs comprise:
  • Final prototype product 1:  magazine pages Issue 1 and 2
  • Screen shots of the website and the hyperlink to the website - product 2
  • Drafting, research and planning

Postal: I have included all formal documentation and  also printed the pages on quality glossy paper. Unfortunately, no matter what the IT technician and I did, we could not make our printer print borderless [apparently it can't!] however, you will see from the digital copies on the blogs they are true A4.

I do hope this aids the moderation process.
Many thanks & regards
Miss King

Here are the links to the students blogs. 



Wednesday, 27 April 2022

NEA 44305 and 44303 submission June 2022

 Dear Moderator

All the students blog hyperlinks are below. There are 3 candidates for The Vale Academy 44305 and 3 students for Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. These two centres combine to create Brigg Sixth Form.

The student blogs comprise:

  • Hyperlink to the prototype website - product 2
  • Final prototype product 1  magazine pages 
  • Annotated pages of the magazine and for the website showing intentions
  • Drafting, research and planning

I have also burnt to disc  the annotated magazine pages showing intention to ensure you can view them as you wish and at  a good quality.

I have also burnt a disc for the students cover sheets  and statements of intent in order for you to access the scroll down and of all comments.

I do hope this aids the moderation process.
Many thanks & regards
Miss King


Freya Mikila Brockhouse-Waters  7019 

Niamh Jessica Carston 7026

Adam David Skinn 7127


Saskia Mollie Grimshaw 7050

Thomas Herbert Owen 7084

Jamie Ray Sarjantson7098

Thursday, 27 May 2021

NEA submission for 44305 entry June 2021


Dear moderator

Here are the blog links for the candidates: The Vale Brigg 6th Form 44305. The students’ research & planning and 
all preparation work is on their blogs. Final Prototype pages and a link to the prototype website is also on the students

I would like to thank you for moderating for us especially in these difficult circumstances. 
Regards and thanks Miss Sandra Compton-King  Head of Media Studies.

Isobel Ward

Laura Broughton

Billy Saunders

Thursday, 19 March 2020

NEA submission for 44305 entry June 2020

Dear moderator

Here are the blog links for the candidates: The Vale Brigg 6th Form 44305. The students’ research & planning and all preparation work is on their blogs.Final pages and a link to the website is also on the students blogs.
However, I have also burnt to disc all students final pages and their cover sheets that I have filled in.
I would like to thank you for moderating for us especially in these difficult circumstances. Regards and thanks Miss Sandra Compton-KingHead of Media Studies.

Tarran Chatha

Caitlyn Glover

Tyler Mason

Megan MacMillan

Aric Tompkinson

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

AS Media Homework

Go on flickr and comment on each other's photographs from the shoot. 

Friday, 20 September 2019

A2 research

Develop your research and make links to theory

Consider further aspects of synergy and brand identity for cross media products.


Friday, 3 May 2019

For the OCR moderator: student blog links and information

Dear Moderator

All the students blog hyperlinks are below. There are 7 candidates for The Vale Academy 44305 and 1 student for Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. These two centres combine to create Brigg Sixth Form.

The student blogs comprise:

  • Hyperlink to the website - product 2
  • Final product 1 either magazine pages or music video
  • Drafting, research and planning

I have also burnt to disc the music videos and the magazine pages to ensure you can view them as you wish and at  a good quality.

I have also burnt a disc for the students cover sheets in order for you to access the scroll down and all of my comments.

I do hope this aids the moderation process.
Many thanks
Miss King


Rebecca Barnes 4149

Lucy Coulson 2179

Lorna James

Martha Reid 7240

Abigail Tutty  4272

Alysha Vessey 4274

Emily Woollin 4283


Adam Clarvis  4015

Monday, 9 October 2017


Analyse a magazine front cover of your choice. Post this on your blog. Post title : Research: magazine front cover analysis

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Welcome to OCR A Level Media Studies

Summer Tasks

1] Media Studies Holiday Challenge : THEORY
2] Research: Media forms. Type into google What are media forms? You will find definitions, other students work and some really useful websites like:
Avoid Wikipedia! Present your findings in a blog post. Blog title Research: Media Forms
Support your findings with screen captures.

3] Research: the history of the Media Industry : magazines. [This is your post title.]
Create a ppt and upload it to slideshare. Then embed the ppt onto your blog by pasting the embed code into the blog page- you have to click html on the blog page in order to embed a code.

  •          Select magazine Media institution. Remember- Institutions are big companies that work in the same industry in this case they produce or distribute magazines.
  •         Look at the history of the company – when did they start? How? Who owns the company? What were their first magazine products? Add screen captures. How have they grown over the years?
  •         Have a look at either Bauer, Guardian Group, , IPC,

Key Tips about using ppt:
*      Use plenty of slides and add logos/ images etc to make each slide look interesting. More slides with less text is preferable
*      Do not use any other Media students work.
*      Have a good style and size of font so it is easy to read.

You will see, as you scroll down the homepage, where homework is posted.
If you click on the links on the right hand side, then you will be able to look at other students blogs and it will give you an idea of what your blog should look like. I suggest you go back to the September posts – this is where you will see past students research. However, remember they were on the old course. Your course is new and your work will be different.

This is our new blog!